

  • Dark Mode

    Allow users to have the option to switch into dark mode.

  • Resume Tips

    Give live tips on how to improve your resume.

  • Import Resume

    Allow users to import their previous resume.

In Progress

  • Resume Rating

    Give resumes a live score based on a set of a criteria.

  • Shareable Resume Link

    Allow users to send a direct link to their resume hosted on Resume Stamp.


  • Preview

    Allow users to enter preview mode where they can see exactly what the resume will look like before downloading it.

  • More Sections

    Allow users to add more sections to their resume so they can further customize their resume.

  • Download as PDF

    Allow users to download their resume directly as a PDF rather than printing it through their browser.

  • Accounts

    Allow users to create accounts.

  • Section Settings

    Allow users to further customize their sections.

  • Save

    Allow users to save their resumes to edit at a later date.

  • Templates

    Allow users to select from predefined templates to make building their resume easier.